About Civil Aviation Authority Norway

Civil Aviation Authority Norway's main office, Bodø, Norway.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Norway’s main objective is to contribute to safe civil aviation in Norway.
- CAA Norway’s main office is in Bodø in the northern part of Norway. We have 190 highly competent employees covering all fields of aviation. CAA Norway is an autonomous and independent administrative body responsible for ensuring safe and efficient operation of civil aviation in Norway. CAA Norway issues regulations in the field of aviation.
- CAA Norway has the responsibility to oversee and regulate all aspects of civil aviation in Norway, implementing and customising national and international legislation and regulations.
- CAA Norway grants licences and operating permits to individuals and operators, for example to pilots, aircraft maintenance facilities and airlines.
- Norway is a member of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Norway is part of the European Common market in the field of aviation through the European Economic Area – the EEA Agreement between Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland and the EU Member States. Within the EEA area all countries have common safety regulations issued by the European Parliament and Council as well as the European Commission.
- To secure that laws and regulations are being followed, CAA Norway oversee and supervise civil aviation operators and personnel as well as aviation facilities. We oversee and supervise commercial air transport companies, commercial drone operators, aerodromes, aircraft maintenance facilities, aircraft airworthiness certificates, pilots’ licences, training facilities and security, amongst other areas of civil aviation.
- CAA Norway issues licences and certificates to people and operators, for instance pilots, cabin crew members, aircraft maintenance facilities and airlines.
- CAA Norway and Norway’s Ministry of Transport and Communications take part in international organisations to promote Norwegian interests. Two of these organisations are International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
- Mr. Lars Kobberstad is the Director General of Civil Aviation Authority of Norway.